a New Year there’s new goals for weight loss and lots of advertisements
regarding “quick weight loss.” Bad news, there’s no “quick fix” to
being athletic or having the proper nutrition for health and fitness.
Are you intrigued by supplements that contain a “proprietary blend”?
According to this ABC News article, “The popular body-building supplement Craze contains a chemical that’s similar to methamphetamine, according to researchers who’ve tested its ingredients.” Yes, methamphetamine as in METH!!!
According to USA Today,
“Lab tests by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, …have detected undisclosed
amphetamine-like compounds in samples of what’s labeled as an
all-natural supplement and sold in GNC stores and on a variety of
websites, including Walmart’s and Amazon’s.” Those “all natural” and
“proprietary blend” supplements you can get at GNC, Walmart, and Amazon
could contain undisclosed amphetamine-like compounds.
The term “Proprietary Blend” is used in health & wellness
supplements to label a blend of ingredients. Which may list each
ingredient one by one, however, no precise amount of each ingredient is
given on the label.
A proprietary blend might be listed as:
- Blend
- Complex
- Matrix
- Proprietary Formula

This is a sales tactic, where trendy names or catchwords are used to increase the perceived value of a product.
There are risks involved, because when you see your healthcare provider, they can’t know the dosage or the formula if you’re allergic to something in the formula.
When deciding to take a supplement(s), ensure to check with your healthcare provider, and read the ingredients/ labels for valuable information.
There are no health codes or rules for companies who make supplements. They don’t have to identify what ingredients are in their products. There are over 75,000 supplements on the market, many have contamination or cross-contamination. Steer clear of items that are branded or stating they will make you “bigger” “faster” “stronger“.
Do your homework:
- Who makes the product?
- Where is it made? (country, origin)
- Where are the products produced?
- Inquire about purity products
- Look at the back of the label “Proprietary Blend” which basically means they don’t have to disclose what is in their product by law.
If you or your child compete in sports; ensure you research Substances Prohibited at all Times (In and Out of Competition). For up-to date information please visit the following websites:
- USADA.org
- TrueSport.org
- Supplement411.org
- To find which drugs are banned visit the following website: Globaldro.com
Join Balanced Running Functional Fitness to help you reach your goals in training and technique. We will offer two options: group training and functional fitness.