Did you know there are 6 ways to burn extra calories?
  1. House walking-yes, walking around your: house, apartment, dorm room, wherever and when ever ~ have fun and track your steps, it’s another fun way to motivate yourself, have stairs, have fun and go up and down for a certain amount of time. It takes 25 minutes to burn 100 calories.
  2. Stretching/Light Yoga – Stretch while watching TV or waiting for dinner to be ready. In 35 minutes, you’ll burn 100 calories, if you’re not familiar with Yoga, you can find it On-Demand.
  3. Dancing and cleaning – Yes, when I clean I tend to dance and swing away with my mop or broom Emoji (listen to your favorite tracks while cleaning) wiping down counters, sweeping, vacuuming, etc, you can easily burn off 100 calories within 20 minutes.
  4. Take the stairs (not only in your home) but at the workplace, shopping area, high rise, those of you who travel and stay at hotels, etc. Be creative, hitting those stairs for 10 minutes will easily shave off 100 calories during your lunch break or chatting on the phone. (just don’t text and take the stairsEmoji)
  5. Lunch Break brisk walk. You don’t need to break a sweat and be stinky, or bulk up, all you have to do is have a brisk walk for 25 minutes and voila, you’ve just burned off 100 calories. (picking up the pace tends to lead to a higher calorie burn-off)
  6. Bowling (yep, I’m not a fan but I did try it) It’s a great family activity or just a fun friendly activity. It’s a fun filled “sport” for anyone, and half an hour will lead to burning off 100 calories. This of course does not constitute taking the place of our everyday training, but it is a fun way to get out and burn off those calories, great for your Sunday recovery or easy day workout on your calendar.