With the global pandemic, many of us are now working from home in makeshift chairs and desks. Hunching over your laptop on your improvised ‘desk’ all day can make your hips tight and uncomfortable.

Did you know that the psoas are major flexors, and affect your posture to stabilize your spine? If your major flexors are weak, they can cause you to overcompensate and become overused. Your Psoas (pronounced So-As) muscles, are made of both slow and fast twitch muscles (looks like an upside down V) and connects your torso and your legs. 

Studies have shown that tight or overstretched psoas muscles may cause aches, pains and discomfort in your lower back or possibly pelvic pain. Here are several examples to see if you have a tight or muscle imbalance: Leg length discrepancy. A tight psoas may cause your pelvis to rotate forward. Psoas shortness or tightness can cause an anterior tilt, compressing the spine and pulling your back into hyperlordsis. If your psoas is overstretched or weak, it can affect your spine; may cause tight hamstrings, pulling down on your sitting bones. The Hip flexors are a major mart of the psoas, it’s what stabilizes and supports our lower back. Tilting your head forward, rounding your shoulders forward from sitting for a prolonged period (your body is working against gravity, causing your psoas to shorten in length) making it tight and uncomfortable.

Ways to help alleviate a tight psoas

Ways to help alleviate a tight psoas:

  • Stretch & Foam Roll (try to get a sports massage)
  • Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Knee lunges
  • Leg Lifts
  • Glute / Hamstring Bridge

For additional information ~ please refer to blog posts from our website: