What is Long Slow Distance (LSD) Running?
Long slow distance running is basically running at a very easy pace. You should be able to sing a song without huffing and puffing or grasping for air. As you run, it should be done without full exhaustion and maintaining that pace with comfort. (if you run with a heart rate monitor, think about running at your comfort effort level).
How long is a slow long run?
When you train with Balanced Running, many athletes have various goals they want to reach. If your training plan has you running 3 times per week, one of those runs will be a LSD. (typically, you’ll begin to feel a difference after your long training run).
- Your runs may be tracked by miles or time.
- Building your base will help build strength and improve your recovery
- Helps flush out lactic waste from tired muscles
- LSD runs that are 45 minutes – 90 minutes help your body’s use of oxygen, building your physical and mental strength.
Are there benefits to Long Slow Distance (LSD) Running?
- Running at an an easy pace will help your running efficiency
- Your risk to injury is reduced
- You learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable, teaching your body to adapt to the distance along with discipline
- Your body will adapt, you’ll run more, build up miles and become faster
- Improve your maximum oxygen uptake

Q = VA ….. Flow equals Velocity times area:
- Long slow distance = increases the cross sectional area of your blood vessels and increases the number of capillaries.
- Reducing the flow velocity, thus fatigue
- Allowing you to run faster longer
- The Velocity at which you are able to run
- Is a function or your aerobic limit
- lung fitness
- Hills and track repeats
- Help you increase your aerobic limit
- Fall weather helps your training while learning about your Q=VA