Today’s pop quiz is~
To Get Faster You must:

A: Be Consistent
B: Rest
C: Begin Speed Workouts
D: Follow Your Training Plan
E: All of the Above

If you Answered E: YOU are Correct!!!!!

If you want to see your times improve, you must be consistent about following your training plan and take advantage of your rest days.  And yes, you will see improvements with speed work.

Running Endorphins…

I guarantee training (and having a coach) is one of the best things you’ll do for yourself.  You will find feeling better: mentally, physically and emotionally.  Running takes you to a new level of being.  It’s hard to explain, but you’ll soon experience athletic euphoria during your training, (and/or racing), which is truly exhilarating.  Running is a natural high because it releases endorphins in your body.

Types of Speed Work

Hill Running

Hill running is one form of speed work.  First, you must pick a hilly running route.  Run and push hard running up the hills, then on the down hills, run nice and easy.  Do NOT push it running down the hills.  Adding hills to your workout will improve your strength and your speed.

Running hills has many benefits.  First of all, hills will improve your strength in the quads, hamstrings, buttocks, calves and back. Stronger quads result in fewer knee injuries because it’s less shock per stride.  Hill running will also correct your form – believe it or not, you can’t run hills with bad form.  And finally, hills will also increase your anaerobic efficiency.

Learn to enjoy the hills, as they are extremely beneficial to you.