Hello Balanced Runners,

Welcome to the Fall 2018 Runner/Walker Development Program!  We are excited that you’re joining us to put in your fall mileage. Dale and Tina are broken hearted that they won’t be with you for the first day.  Well, okay not really broken hearted.  Tina is running in the World Masters Track Championships (she already has a bronze medal and will be running for three more podium finishes) and Malaga Spain is not a bad place for Dale to support Tina for two weeks.

So, this leaves you are in the hands or our seasoned athletes and coaches for the next two Saturdays.  Since we are just starting back up after a short break, the next four weeks are going to be base building for everyone not following a specific plan (those following specific plans know who you are and should do what is needed).

Here is the plan for tomorrow morning:


  • Range of Motion routing (Jumping Jacks + other stuff)
  • Hip mobility (or squats and lunges)


40 minutes of easy running/running & walking/brisk walking with 5 x 0.1-mile moderate/hard efforts.


  • Stretching routine

Happy Trails!

Dale & Tina