Hi Balanced Runners –

Looks like tomorrow is going to be a nice, bright, sun shiny day!  That’s a perfect way to kick off the next phase of our Winter/Spring session.  Training for the first K’Saw GP race on 12 May begins tomorrow, and so does specialized training for the Spartan Crowd.  Non-Spartan racers are welcome to join.   Be sure to bring your mat and dry clothes to change into after the endurance run.  Here is what is planned for tomorrow:


  • Range of Motion routine
  • Hip mobility
  • Easy Skips
  • Walking leg hugs

Spartan Add-On 

– OR –


  • 45:00 easy to moderate pace (self-select run, intervals, or brisk walk)

Drills & Strength:

  • 2 x A-skip (about 20m)
  • 2 x B-skip (about 20m)
  • 2 x advanced butt kicks, (about 20m each direction)
  • 2 x band side steps (each direction)
  • 2 x band monster walks (forward and backward)


  • Rehab/prehab routine


  • Stretching Routine